Go to the park with with friends
Go out to lunch with friends
Go on a staycation - stay overnight at a local hotel and swim
Bring earplugs and go to some outdoor concerts
Check out local art festivals
Decorate your driveway or back patio with chalk
Set up some playdates with friends
Go get some slushy and enjoy at a park
Go roller skating
Go to the bowling alley
Visit your local museums
Try a new shave ice shack
Make home made ice cream
Do a puzzle together
Download and print out some coloring pages
Build Legos
Go to a waterpark or swimming
Clear out the clutter and have a yard sale - spend the money you make on a family activity
Think of a person who might need cheering up and bring them flowers
Make smoothies, come up with fun recipes of your own
Hit a splash pad
Do a YouTube workout (for kids) with your kids
Run through the sprinklers
Pull out the squirt guns
Check out some books from the library
Visit the aquarium
Make cookies or homemade popsicles
Make some slime!!!
Download some math pages and do one at least once a week
Play a memory game
Print out your favorite pictures and scrapbook them (my kids LOVE to do this)
Write in a journal
Get hand-held white boards and give your kids words to spell
Learn to play an instrument
Go indoor rock climbing
Take a walk
Sign up for kids cooking classes
Check out what programs your local recreation center has to offer
Take funny pictures / dress up
Invite friends over for dessert - strawberry shortcake anyone?
Have everyone choose a song, learn the lyrics, and perform for each other
Go on a picnic
Draw pictures together
Take a hike in the mountains
Go for a bike ride
Jump at a trampoline park
Choose a book together and have everyone take turns reading a page
Enroll in swimming lessons
Hit the zoo
Plan a BBQ and invite friends or family
Go to an arcade
Play some laser tag
Go miniature golfing
Go to an amusement park or a county fair
See dinosaur fossils at a dinosaur museum
Gather some rocks from a walk and paint them
Brainstorm things you want to learn about and YouTube it
Learn origami
Sign up for a fun summer camp
Go to a field or park and play frisbee
Visit a farm
Play kick the ball outside
Go see a local play
Introduce your kids to some of your old favorite classic movies on DVD or Netflix
Take a road trip
Chase your kids around the house and tickle them
Play some hide & seek
Pull out the board games
Play tennis
Sing karaoke at a family-friendly karaoke place
YouTube your favorite songs to see the music videos
Experience Disneyland rides on your couch by watching your favorite rides on YouTube
Put on some music and have a dance party with your kids
Take summer gymnastics
Play some badminton (we bought a set at Costco this year - so fun!)
Do you have any ideas to add to this list? If so, please comment below. I'd love to hear what you do to make summer fun.